Affair Recovery

Healing is possible

Affair Recovery Counselng

You may be feeling grief or sadness knowing that your marriage is not what you once thought it was. You may wonder if there is a path back or if an affair recovery program can work for you. Can you ever be happy together again?

You may not know what to do, which way to go, what choice is best for you. Emotions can feel so big!

A loss of trust may make you question your partner in other areas of life and make you not want to talk as much. Or you may talk more and ask lots of questions about every subject because you don’t trust the answers.

You may feel less desire for physical touch and intimacy, as bonding in that way feels scary, and you don’t want to get hurt any further.

You may be covering your pain in front of the children, adding another stress to your life. And they likely feel that something isn’t right and wonder and question what is happening to their family. 

Step-by-step - there is a way out of the pain of infidelity.

A new life awaits you.

Recover from an Affair

Transformation is Possible

This infidelity does NOT have power over you - it is just something you’re dealing with. Together, using evidence-based affair recovery techniques, we can get you through this and to the other side with sanity and balance…there is a way!

I help you process your grief, talk out your feelings, and get to what you need at this time. It is often EXTREMELY difficult for partners to talk these matters out by themselves without shutting down or emotions taking over the conversation.

Processing is VERY important as a precursor to all that comes next. From there I help you understand each other’s needs and perspectives, options and desires - doing this in a safe and productive environment so that you can make decisions on how best to move forward.

This is hard work and takes time and the expertise of a trained, experienced clinician.

My Masters in Child Development & Family Relations and PhD in Marriage & Family Therapy were specifically focused on minimizing the long-term effects of divorce on children. In that study, I wound up creating protocols for Divorce Recovery.

In my 23 years of working with couples, I have helped MANY develop thriving marriages after an affair - they say better than what they had before.

There are opportunities for closeness and new levels of intimacy within this crisis.

I have also helped others end their relationship respectfully, minimizing the damage to their children.

Online counseling to deal with an affair

How to cope

Your life as you know it has now changed. The relationship you had before is over - the trust is gone. Where do you go from here?

Infidelity counseling is the answer for many couples to bring them to a place of healing and a new, healthy relationship.

A new life awaits you — there are answers…always.